1.   A primary concern of building inspectors is fire safety.

2.   Generally, building inspectors, including plan examiners, earn the highest salaries.

3.   He conveyed this to the building inspectors, which allowed the Council to withdraw their objection on this score.

4.   The building inspector is visiting the new housing project.

5.   It would also appear that the rule applies to realty and could be applied to the builder of a house and possibly a local authority building inspector.

6.   And while such a construction method may survive the scrutiny of the local building inspector, he said, it may not survive a heavy rainstorm.

7.   Another option is hiring a home inspector, who generally charges less than building inspectors.

8.   Be sure to consult a building inspector before starting any project.

9.   Bennett Kayser, a member of the elected Charter Reform Commission, and building inspector Sandra Farrington-Domingue also are in the race.

10.   Bill Jemas has a story about a Port Authority building inspector who died at the World Trade Center.

a. + inspector >>共 243
chief 13.33%
american 8.66%
postal 6.67%
international 6.46%
building 5.91%
state 4.54%
federal 4.19%
new 2.47%
former 1.99%
nuclear 1.65%
building + n. >>共 1002
material 7.96%
permit 3.71%
code 3.41%
site 3.22%
project 2.85%
owner 2.44%
boom 2.02%
contractor 1.84%
industry 1.43%
inspector 1.41%
每页显示:    共 85