1.   As the first building crumbled, people fell to the ground and cried.

2.   Buildings crumbled, leaving only their steel skeletons twisted grotesquely against a black sky.

3.   Buildings have crumbled.

4.   Century-old school buildings are crumbling in New York City, while schools in New Orleans are being eaten away by termites.

5.   Countless Havana buildings are crumbling into ruins, shored up by jerry-built scaffolds and the piecemeal efforts of residents.

6.   He has climbed the ladder of success year after year even when the building around him crumbled.

7.   It was not easy, once the two buildings crumbled right out of the spectacular skyline.

8.   Monuments decay, buildings crumble and wealth vanishes.

9.   The building literally crumbled on top of our bodies.

10.   The buildings are crumbling, and two-thirds of the students read at levels below the national average.

n. + crumble >>共 293
wall 5.16%
economy 3.71%
empire 2.74%
building 2.42%
system 2.26%
marriage 2.10%
floor 2.10%
facade 1.45%
house 1.29%
team 1.29%
building + v. >>共 561
be 35.22%
have 7.09%
collapse 4.44%
house 3.48%
stand 2.09%
remain 1.70%
go 1.41%
fall 1.29%
become 1.12%
look 1.08%
crumble 0.31%
每页显示:    共 15