1.   Constructors have it happen too as they build puzzles, and readily turn to the e-mail discussion list for help.

2.   He wrote a grid, and came up with a theme to build the puzzle around.

3.   I would face the same problem in building a puzzle independently, of course.

4.   You supply up to six words and clues and the program builds a puzzle that includes them.

v. + puzzle >>共 80
solve 41.03%
assemble 2.99%
create 2.99%
do 2.99%
complete 2.56%
put_together 2.56%
explain 2.14%
have 1.71%
build 1.71%
construct 1.28%
build + n. >>共 855
house 3.56%
plant 2.64%
home 2.24%
support 1.45%
bridge 1.41%
stadium 1.41%
case 1.36%
reputation 1.36%
road 1.35%
team 1.14%
puzzle 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4