1.   Bugs infected the new software, said the Microsoft product manager, George Meng.

2.   In the other, the cellular system, defenders spot cells that the invading bugs have infected.

3.   The jitter bug can infect anyone, but first-time Super Bowl participants are especially at high risk.

4.   When the bug infects the stomach lining, it provokes a persistent immune response that can lead to ulcers and stomach cancer.

5.   The bug can infect the respiratory tract, sinuses or ears, and is especially dangerous to the elderly or very young, the report said.

6.   The bug can infect the respiratory tract, sinuses or ears.

7.   The freedom bug infected the Hockmeyers as well.

n. + infect >>共 188
virus 15.94%
bacterium 3.86%
disease 3.34%
people 3.34%
man 2.31%
bug 1.80%
fever 1.54%
researcher 1.54%
corruption 1.29%
number 1.29%
bug + v. >>共 183
be 26.61%
bite 5.50%
get 2.39%
make 2.20%
affect 2.02%
cause 2.02%
have 2.02%
hit 1.65%
go 1.47%
infect 1.28%
每页显示:    共 7