1.   This scheme, however, ran into the usual budgetary problems.

2.   Within the EC continuing conflict over the CAP and associated budgetary problems, had diverted the EC from making progress on establishing the Common Market.

3.   It has been claimed that the budgetary problem of the Community arose because there was a ceiling on income but not expenditure.

4.   Although ticket sales were down somewhat, Slawson said this does not pose a budgetary problem.

5.   But most of Staten Island is painfully aware of the budgetary problems the Mayor has.

6.   Company officials say they have received no word on reasons for the delay, but add there are reports the Saudi government is having budgetary problems.

7.   District attorneys throughout the state said they too have budgetary problems, and additionally must give a higher priority to prosecuting violent crime than political corruption cases.

8.   Pataki said he was not accusing Cuomo of covering up budgetary problems in the current year.

9.   Saudi Arabia, which has struggled with budgetary problems in recent years, now has greater financial flexibility to handle lower oil prices.

10.   Some analysts, however, discounted the seriousness of the budgetary problems, and a ministry of finance official, Kazumi Akiyama, dismissed the criticisms.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
economic 3.74%
major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
real 1.87%
budgetary 0.07%
budgetary + n. >>共 257
constraint 5.76%
policy 4.32%
problem 3.89%
reason 3.31%
discipline 2.88%
pressure 2.74%
control 2.45%
process 2.31%
restraint 2.02%
allocation 1.59%
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