1.   The budget surplus would continue to provide Australia with a period of sustained budgetary discipline unprecedented in its history.

2.   But critics charge the maneuver contravenes the spirit of the rules that are meant to ensure that nations joining the single currency exercise genuine budgetary discipline.

3.   European Union finance ministers meeting over the weekend in Dublin agreed on a pact to enforce budgetary discipline among members of the planned union.

4.   It has also promised to limit the printing of new rubles and pledged budgetary discipline.

5.   It was a clear signal that European governments increasingly valued budgetary discipline over social stability.

6.   That agreement clears the way for EU leaders to sign resolutions on budgetary discipline and job creation today at their summit in Amsterdam.

7.   That clears the way for EU leaders to sign resolutions on budgetary discipline and job creation today at their summit in Amsterdam.

8.   That agreement will allow resolutions on budgetary discipline and job creation to be signed by EU leaders at a summit today.

9.   The other would be a loss of budgetary discipline by the Republican Congress.

10.   Those definitions include what constitutes recession and to what degree violators of budgetary discipline should be fined.

a. + discipline >>共 480
fiscal 11.74%
party 4.74%
military 3.97%
strict 3.91%
financial 3.74%
academic 2.14%
new 2.14%
the 1.72%
same 1.42%
different 1.42%
budgetary 1.19%
budgetary + n. >>共 257
constraint 5.76%
policy 4.32%
problem 3.89%
reason 3.31%
discipline 2.88%
pressure 2.74%
control 2.45%
process 2.31%
restraint 2.02%
allocation 1.59%
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