1.   Budget analysts spend the majority of their time working independently, compiling and analyzing data and preparing budget proposals.

2.   Criticism of the budget proposals was voiced by the International Monetary Fund.

3.   His only promise to the Democrats, he says, was to support the final budget proposal that emerged from the committee.

4.   In his budget proposal, homeowners will get their promised capital-gains-tax break on sales, Clinton said.

5.   Strong oral and written communication skills are essential for analysts to prepare, present, and defend budget proposals to Decision makers.

6.   The National Assembly was being truculent over the budget proposals.

7.   To find out we asked a number of interested parties for their own budget proposals.

8.   On the domestic front, the president got his way with his budget proposals.

9.   The governor explained the biennial budget proposal.

10.   Although the budget proposal certainly will not alleviate all these problems, it does attack some of the underlying issues.

n. + proposal >>共 832
peace 6.51%
budget 6.45%
tax 5.28%
government 4.87%
reform 3.95%
compromise 2.96%
administration 2.22%
merger 2.05%
draft 1.97%
contract 1.93%
budget + n. >>共 402
deficit 14.93%
cut 7.99%
surplus 6.49%
plan 3.36%
bill 3.18%
agreement 2.66%
talk 2.58%
negotiation 2.55%
proposal 2.40%
amendment 2.03%
每页显示:    共 323