1.   But that would have required bucking her party, which she was not willing to do.

2.   But the freshman Republican bucked his party, saying he saw nothing for the Marines to do there except hunker down.

3.   From maverick Federalist John Quincy Adams to the late Democratic Sen. Paul Tsongas, American history is filled with stories of courageous leaders who bucked their parties.

4.   Giuliani ought to discuss how far he would be willing to buck his party, which has been blocking serious reform in Congress.

5.   He wants to be thought of as a maverick, bucking his party so he can fight Big Tobacco and reform campaign finance.

6.   Jeffords has long had a history of bucking his party on social issues.

7.   Rep. James A. Traficant Jr., D-Ohio, bucked his party.

8.   Rep. Scott Klug, R-Madison, bucked his party and voted against repeal.

9.   Rep. Albert Wynn of Maryland would seem an unlikely figure to buck his party on the overhaul of campaign finance laws.

10.   The handful of Republicans who bucked their party got the message.

v. + party >>共 936
ban 3.88%
throw 3.22%
leave 3.22%
join 2.80%
have 2.36%
lead 2.22%
hold 2.09%
attend 2.05%
switch 1.88%
represent 1.63%
buck 0.16%
buck + n. >>共 123
trend 53.13%
odd 4.11%
system 3.45%
decline 2.80%
tide 2.47%
tradition 1.97%
leadership 1.81%
party 1.81%
leader 1.15%
history 0.99%
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