1.   An emotional McCain thanked his Republican colleagues for bucking their leadership in the House and Senate and voting for campaign finance reform.

2.   As a freshman he bucked his leadership by opposing subsidies to synthetic fuel producers.

3.   But many Democrats, and some Republicans, questioned whether the moderates would be willing to buck their leadership on major issues.

4.   He has voted with Democrats a majority of the time, primarily bucking the leadership on budget and economic issues.

5.   Many Democrats bucked their leadership to support the bill.

6.   Smith bucked the leadership and continued down the campaign finance reform path, issuing scathing public criticisms of House leaders over their inaction on campaign finance reform.

7.   The fourth-term congressman from San Jose is used to bucking the leadership.

8.   Upset after budget negotiators dropped anti-abortion language from the defense budget, a coalition of House Republicans bucked their leadership and voted with Democrats to kill the entire bill.

9.   When a Greg Ganske gets frustrated and decides to buck his leadership, as he did last week, it matters.

10.   When a Greg Ganske gets frustrated and decides to buck the leadership, as he did last week, it matters.

v. + leadership >>共 420
provide 7.03%
show 5.18%
take 3.82%
need 3.58%
assume 3.52%
have 2.71%
demonstrate 1.85%
lack 1.79%
exercise 1.79%
criticize 1.23%
buck 0.68%
buck + n. >>共 123
trend 53.13%
odd 4.11%
system 3.45%
decline 2.80%
tide 2.47%
tradition 1.97%
leadership 1.81%
party 1.81%
leader 1.15%
history 0.99%
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