1.   At a company once led by hard-edged men who brooked no dissent, Wagoner uses basketball terminology to call for a more cooperative approach to management.

2.   But Saudi Arabia brooks no dissent.

3.   Chiang dreamed that Taiwan would reunify with the mainland, and he brooked no dissent.

4.   China and Vietnam, for example, are both single-party, communist states whose leaders brook no dissent.

5.   If there is one issue on which Silicon Valley executives will brook little dissent, it is the generous accounting rules for stock options.

6.   In the evenly divided Senate, Republican Party leaders have brooked no dissent.

7.   Saddam Hussein survives with a pitiless security establishment that brooks no dissent from his people, according to Makiya.

8.   The Department also branded the Mujahedeen as undemocratic and said its leader, Massoud Rajavi, does not brook dissent and has sought to develop a cult of personality.

9.   The Parliament building is the seat of a government that has never brooked dissent, an arena dedicated to praise of the president and dutiful enactment of his wishes.

10.   There were, however, no choices on the ballot apart from Museveni, who still brooks no dissent.

v. + dissent >>共 149
suppress 13.64%
stifle 9.43%
tolerate 8.13%
crush 5.95%
write 4.35%
silence 2.61%
join 2.61%
brook 2.47%
face 2.18%
express 2.03%
brook + n. >>共 40
dissent 18.89%
opposition 10.00%
challenge 7.78%
criticism 6.67%
interference 6.67%
nonsense 6.67%
delay 2.22%
displeasure 2.22%
compromise 2.22%
contradiction 2.22%
每页显示:    共 17