1.   The order goes to an automated brokerage service, which searches exchanges to find the best price.

2.   Analysts say the company marries investment banking for companies with brokerage services for individual investors.

3.   Analysts who track the fund industry say Scudder has the same idea in mind, but may have trouble attracting financial advisers to use its brokerage service.

4.   As clubs go on line, some predict that brokerage services will become more congested.

5.   As part of those efforts, Fidelity said it had put all of its institutional brokerage services, products, and operations under one group.

6.   Banks are turning to new businesses including brokerage services and asset management as they can offer higher returns than lending without requiring a lot of capital.

7.   Barber was previously executive vice president of NFCS, which provides correspondent brokerage services to banks, brokers and insurance companies, Fidelity said.

8.   About half its business comes from brokerage services to wealthy individuals and half from investment banking and other wholesale services.

9.   But Gomez has rated sites for banking, brokerage services, home buying, insurance, and mortgages.

10.   But not all online brokerage services are created equal.

n. + service >>共 647
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security 4.88%
telephone 3.91%
phone 3.60%
customer 3.45%
intelligence 3.13%
health 2.63%
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community 2.41%
news 2.38%
brokerage 0.26%
brokerage + n. >>共 166
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house 14.97%
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stock 3.25%
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