1.   About the time the mall broke ground in August, worried homeowners formed the Mill Creek Community Coalition to be the watchdog over its construction and ensuing development.

2.   In Wayland this week, those Sarah left behind broke ground for a memorial to a little girl lost.

3.   The company broke ground last month to expand production at a plant in Hungary and is seeking a site to expand in the U.S.

4.   The study broke little new ground, for most of its findings had already been reported by foreign news organizations.

5.   While some with a long lens think those discussions broke ground that will eventually bear fruit, others say they cannot help but be downbeat.

6.   A defiant Israel broke ground Tuesday for a Jewish housing project in disputed east Jerusalem, triggering Palestinian protests and warnings that the peace process was near collapse.

7.   Israel-Palestinian relations have soured in recent months, with peace talks stalled since Israel broke ground in March on a new Jewish neighborhood in disputed east Jerusalem.

8.   One of them shouted that the last Berlin project Kohl broke ground for, a history museum, was never built.

9.   Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians broke down in March after Israel broke ground on a neighborhood for Jews in traditionally Arab east Jerusalem.

10.   Russian inspectors toured Pfizer plants and, Phrma charges, broke ground rules against gathering commercial data, with no intervention by their U.S. government escorts.

a. + ground >>共 1305
new 5.71%
higher 3.65%
training 3.00%
fertile 2.73%
lost 2.63%
humanitarian 2.45%
legal 2.19%
burial 1.96%
fishing 1.52%
solid 1.34%
broke 0.17%
broke + n. >>共 53
open 13.22%
ground 12.40%
serve 8.26%
window 8.26%
rank 4.96%
back 3.31%
camp 3.31%
rib 2.48%
law 2.48%
guy 1.65%
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