1.   Farms that raise broiler chickens will not be allowed to feed them antibiotics to stimulate growth.

2.   Prices for broiler chickens, eggs and milk all are expected to be higher as well.

3.   Prices for broiler chickens, eggs and milk all are expected to be higher.

4.   Standards designed to improve farm conditions for broiler chickens and beef cattle also are in the package.

5.   The ministry said that small farmers could also sell their broiler chickens to their larger partners.

n. + chicken >>共 113
rotisserie 8.40%
season 5.34%
rubber 4.96%
jerk 4.20%
range 3.05%
lemon 3.05%
mainland 2.67%
barbecue 2.67%
ground 2.67%
place 2.67%
broiler 1.91%
broiler + n. >>共 15
pan 50.94%
chicken 9.43%
rack 7.55%
chick 5.66%
farm 5.66%
element 3.77%
business 1.89%
cook 1.89%
flame 1.89%
industry 1.89%
每页显示:    共 5