1.   He used his broad executive powers to nullify decisions by local governments.

2.   Under martial law, large public meetings and political activity had been banned and the government had broad powers to restrict freedom of speech and of the press.

3.   Under the Pelly Amendment, President Clinton has broad powers to impose penalties, including a total ban on imports.

4.   American officials have argued that the trade organization must be given broad powers to rule on economic disputes at the heart of modern-day frictions among nations.

5.   Andersen has already created a special oversight board with broad powers, and asked a former Federal Reserve chairman, Paul A. Volcker, to lead it.

6.   Appeals officers have broad powers to alter the rules, according to Goldberg, who once served in that capacity for the IRS.

7.   Anticipating the growth of our modern doctrine, the Anti-Federalists criticized the Constitution because it might be read to grant broad equitable powers to the federal courts.

8.   As chairman, Helms has broad powers to block the process.

9.   As head of the foreign relations panel, Helms has broad powers to block the appointment.

10.   Banks are now allowed to have operating subsidiaries with broad powers, but their reach remains undefined.

a. + power >>共 912
political 3.59%
new 2.36%
electric 1.95%
western 1.93%
major 1.87%
real 1.50%
economic 1.36%
electrical 1.33%
colonial 1.26%
military 1.25%
broad 0.92%
broad + n. >>共 1189
range 6.21%
support 5.71%
market 3.94%
daylight 2.58%
power 2.54%
outline 2.27%
agreement 1.94%
smile 1.67%
spectrum 1.54%
coalition 1.49%
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