1.   Weeping from fatigue when bringing coals up, singing for joy then going back with empty baskets.

2.   We manufacture the conveyer belts that carry the lads to the face and bring the coal out.

3.   Additional coals were brought in along with cooking utensils and a mammoth tray of local sausages, beef, chicken and vegetables.

4.   It may be a case of bringing coals to Newcastle, or mocca to Milano, but Schultz apparently cannot rest until he plants his flag back in Italy.

5.   Maybe the designer thought bringing his signature work to London was a bit like bringing coals to Newcastle, since this is the home of Savile Row.

6.   The trains did run for a while, bringing coal from Wyoming into Mystic and on east to Rapid City.

7.   Miners, black from head to toe, brought out coal on carts that wobbled along a narrow track.

v. + coal >>共 137
use 6.38%
burn 5.05%
supply 4.26%
carry 3.99%
mine 3.72%
sell 2.39%
buy 2.39%
have 2.13%
produce 2.13%
bring 2.13%
bring + n. >>共 1355
charge 3.21%
peace 2.08%
case 1.40%
people 1.25%
change 1.05%
end 1.00%
child 0.85%
suit 0.71%
rain 0.70%
food 0.67%
coal 0.02%
每页显示:    共 8