1.   That flexibility might involve the offer of a short-term agreement or a long-term lease with an appropriate break clause.

2.   The few tenants who are searching for short-term leases are now able to negotiate break clauses in leases for new buildings.

3.   Where the landlord seeks a break clause on renewal, the tenant should press for any right to break to be mutual.

4.   Some tenants, presented with more choices, have exercised one-year break clauses to trade up or to lower rental overheads.

5.   That the government should avoid entering into any long-term tenancy agreement without any break clauses unless fully justified.

n. + clause >>共 285
no-trade 16.30%
exclusion 4.55%
arbitration 3.19%
confidentiality 3.10%
buyout 2.73%
opt-out 2.55%
reserve 2.46%
incentive 2.28%
exemption 2.09%
gag 1.82%
break 0.46%
break + n. >>共 121
room 13.82%
chance 6.91%
opportunity 6.18%
time 5.09%
dancer 4.36%
area 1.82%
clause 1.82%
ground 1.82%
point 1.82%
record 1.45%
每页显示:    共 5