1.   However, political specialists say that campaign spending limits are routinely breached and that monitoring and enforcement by the FEC are often ineffective.

2.   If the limits are breached, individual programs would be cut back.

3.   Puts and calls are sold for cash, and if the prearranged limits are not breached, the seller keeps the cash.

4.   That Germany might end up being the first country to breach the limits is acutely embarrassing to Schroeder.

5.   The agreement came as Germany backed away from its demand for automatic fines for nations that breach that limit.

6.   The agreement came as Germany backed away from its demand for automatic fines for nations that breach the limit.

7.   The Thaad would breach those limits.

8.   Aides expect White House budget writers to base their surplus forecasts on an assumption that the spending limits will be breached.

9.   He called on the military to make sure the limits were not breached.

10.   But if the limit were again breached within two years, the deposit would become a fine.

v. + limit >>共 386
have 12.91%
set 9.68%
impose 7.41%
place 4.57%
reach 4.03%
put 3.36%
test 2.69%
push 2.69%
raise 2.30%
include 1.55%
breach 0.31%
breach + n. >>共 170
contract 9.22%
law 5.18%
agreement 5.18%
rule 4.67%
security 4.04%
dam 3.79%
barrier 3.03%
regulation 2.53%
duty 2.40%
wall 2.02%
limit 1.52%
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