1.   He opposes the pending FDA plan to brand nicotine a drug and subject it to applicable federal regulations.

2.   President Bill Clinton branded nicotine an addictive drug Thursday and ordered tough restrictions on sales and advertising aimed at getting teenagers hooked on cigarettes.

3.   President Bill Clinton branded nicotine as an addictive drug Thursday and ordered the government to take steps to cut the number of young smokers by half in seven years.

4.   President Bill Clinton branded nicotine an addictive drug Thursday and ordered the government to take steps to cut the number of young smokers by half in seven years.

v. + nicotine >>共 66
regulate 31.00%
deliver 6.55%
manipulate 5.68%
classify 5.24%
contain 3.93%
add 3.49%
absorb 3.06%
ban 3.06%
include 2.62%
get 1.75%
brand 1.75%
brand + n. >>共 241
cattle 2.87%
group 2.58%
traitor 2.29%
name 2.01%
terrorist 2.01%
government 1.43%
forehead 1.43%
opponent 1.43%
racist 1.43%
convention 1.15%
nicotine 1.15%
每页显示:    共 4