1.   Its arched lower branches droop with floral offerings, each arch topped by a tiny cherub, playing a musical instrument.

2.   Its short needles are bluish green and often interestingly twisted, and its spreading branches droop a little, giving it a graceful look.

3.   The leaves will have turned brown and the branch will droop.

4.   Tree branches drooped from the weight of butterfly clusters.

n. + droop >>共 58
shoulder 13.04%
eyelid 12.17%
head 9.57%
eye 4.35%
branch 3.48%
lid 2.61%
price 2.61%
tree 2.61%
leaf 1.74%
future 1.74%
branch + v. >>共 328
be 22.72%
have 4.90%
say 1.89%
open 1.89%
fall 1.22%
do 1.22%
break 1.11%
take 1.00%
go 1.00%
remain 1.00%
droop 0.45%
每页显示:    共 4