1.   Can you imagine how many friends or relatives are going to be required to inspect those Rice Krispies and oat bran muffins at future living room gatherings?

2.   For Machado, that meant orange juice, bran muffins, asparagus salad, nonfat yogurt.

3.   I was sitting at a bookstore cafe, nursing a bran muffin and a mug of milk.

4.   Is that a veiled reference to bran muffins?

5.   Seattle diners were talking bran muffins and honey yogurt.

n. + muffin >>共 34
blueberry 19.48%
corn 12.99%
bran 6.49%
stud 6.49%
carrot 3.90%
banana 3.90%
low-fat 3.90%
nut 3.90%
chip 2.60%
bakery 2.60%
bran + n. >>共 13
cereal 22.58%
flake 16.13%
muffin 16.13%
layer 9.68%
food 6.45%
mixture 6.45%
box 3.23%
content 3.23%
craze 3.23%
muck 3.23%
每页显示:    共 5