1.   Braising works well for greens of any age, and since the greens absorb the flavors of the braising liquid, this is a wonderful technique.

2.   Add some to the braising liquid for a pot roast.

3.   Combine apple cider with chicken stock to create a braising liquid for pork loin, pork sausages or chicken.

4.   If I wanted to use the braising liquid as a gravy, I found it necessary to decant it to drain off the copious fat.

5.   It is the tough connective tissue, combined with the seasoned braising liquid, that makes the sauce great.

6.   It makes chefs want to reach for fringe meats, intense braising liquids and viscous stocks.

7.   Ladle the braising liquid over the croutons.

8.   Pour braising liquid into measuring cup.

9.   Remove the rabbit from the braising liquid, and keep warm with loin pieces.

10.   Remove meat from pot and cover with aluminum foil, then pour braising liquid into the bowl of a food processor.

a. + liquid >>共 322
flammable 11.62%
cooking 10.44%
excess 4.63%
clear 3.20%
hot 3.03%
soaking 2.44%
reserved 1.85%
remaining 1.77%
red 1.60%
braising 1.52%
braising + n. >>共 17
liquid 47.37%
green 7.89%
pan 5.26%
sauce 5.26%
broth 2.63%
dish 2.63%
doe 2.63%
fish 2.63%
flavor 2.63%
juice 2.63%
每页显示:    共 18