1.   As similar as mouse brains are to human brains, mice are not men.

2.   Because their brain is ten feet higher than their heart, giraffes have the highest blood pressure of any mammal.

3.   If the brain is a machine, why do the most obvious associations sometimes escape us?

4.   In vertebrates the brain is the much expanded front end of the spinal cord.

5.   Indeed, one school of thought believed that the female brain was biologically different from that of the male.

6.   My brain is just totally fried.

7.   Of course the brain is a digital computer.

8.   The brain is like a very powerful, very complicated computer.

9.   The brain is not a printed circuit board.

10.   The human brain is an incredibly complicated organ.

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brain 0.01%
brain + v. >>共 332
be 17.88%
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