1.   Boy soldiers, child warriors, kid militiamen.

2.   Consider sub-Saharan Africa, where boy soldiers are ubiquitous.

3.   I even found pleasure in trekking the woods with GI buds in Germany when I was a boy soldier bivouacking.

4.   And orphaned boy soldiers are being deployed alongside older rebels, the Karens say.

5.   Boy soldiers have long been a feature of Cambodian warfare.

6.   Boy soldiers now on trial in assassination plot.

7.   Boy soldiers often suffer sexual abuse, Mungoven said.

8.   The boy soldiers wear old shredded Zairian army uniforms or jeans and T-shirts, often with talismen or plastic rosary beads around their necks.

9.   When one boy soldier told Kabila that his father had died, Kabila rebuked him for being in touch with his family and ordered him beaten.

10.   Both the Taliban and the alliance, known as the United Front, were responsible for the forced recruitment of boy soldiers, the report said.

n. + soldier >>共 252
government 32.25%
army 17.68%
rebel 11.11%
child 4.38%
alliance 2.83%
woman 2.63%
reserve 1.97%
junta 1.84%
career 1.71%
opposition 1.65%
boy 0.32%
boy + n. >>共 302
band 8.11%
scout 4.73%
soprano 3.04%
team 2.70%
wizard 2.36%
home 2.20%
club 2.03%
genius 1.69%
soldier 1.69%
school 1.52%
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