1.   But opponent Tony Coleman insisted that boundary markers were incorrectly-placed.

2.   But the area will return as a smuggling hub, Escobedo predicted as he searched in vain for a U.S. boundary marker a mile north of the store.

3.   He remembers the day he discovered the stone state boundary marker in his backyard flower bed.

4.   His services are in hot demand as the humble boundary marker becomes a coveted suburban trophy.

5.   A boundary survey and placing of boundary markers will be finished as soon as possible, the joint statement said.

6.   A boundary survey and placing of boundary marker will be finished as soon as possible.

7.   Supposedly the stick was placed there by the Houmas or the Bayougoulas as a boundary marker that separated their nations.

8.   In addition, the navy is under orders to destroy boundary markers left by rival claimants and arrest unauthorized foreign fishermen.

9.   Philippine troops blew up boundary markers put up by the Chinese side and demanded Beijing dismantle the structures and pull out its forces, to no avail.

n. + marker >>共 139
first-down 5.17%
granite 4.80%
mile 4.80%
felt-tip 4.06%
border 3.69%
road 3.69%
boundary 3.32%
lane 3.32%
trail 1.85%
channel 1.48%
boundary + n. >>共 72
line 32.60%
dispute 9.40%
wall 7.21%
change 4.08%
fence 4.08%
commission 3.45%
area 2.82%
marker 2.82%
rope 2.51%
region 1.88%
每页显示:    共 9