1.   Rabbit anti-human immunoglobulin conjugated with alkaline phosphatase was used to detect the bound antibody.

2.   Bound antibodies were detected with antimouse-lgG antibodies coupled to alkaline phosphatase by the APAAP technique.

3.   Each of the antibodies were applied to tissue sections for one hour at room temperature, and the sites of bound antibody shown by the APAAP technique.

4.   Bound antibodies were detected with an alkaline phosphatase conjugate by standard methods.

a. + antibody >>共 141
cytoplasmic 7.62%
human 7.32%
antineutrophil 6.71%
specific 5.49%
primary 3.96%
anti-neutrophil 3.66%
anticolon 2.13%
bound 1.83%
functional 1.22%
engineered 1.22%
bound + n. >>共 73
volume 12.84%
copy 8.78%
foot 5.41%
book 4.73%
antibody 4.05%
hand 4.05%
galley 2.70%
material 2.70%
captive 2.03%
man 2.03%
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