1.   It also affected the borrowing requirements of corporations, countries and international agencies.

2.   It has gone on reducing the fantastic levels of public sector borrowing requirement that were reached under the last Government.

3.   Lower bill yields would cut the amount of debt to be retired at each auction, reducing borrowing requirements and the deficit.

4.   They would certainly have had no chance of financing their programme without large increases both in taxation and in the borrowing requirement.

5.   The reduction of the public sector borrowing requirement in the UK has been a target, and this indicates a desire to curb the role of government spending.

6.   As trusts are public bodies, however, trust borrowing formed part of the public sector borrowing requirement, and triggered close Treasury interest.

7.   In Britain, borrowing needs of all public authorities are largely centralised and expressed as a public-sector borrowing requirement.

8.   To achieve these money supply targets the MTFS also included targets for cutting the public sector borrowing requirement.

9.   We also have a public sector borrowing requirement of heroic proportions, and even in a recession we have a huge balance of payments problem.

a. + requirement >>共 700
new 6.74%
legal 5.02%
reporting 4.05%
minimum 3.52%
federal 2.98%
stringent 1.80%
such 1.74%
licensing 1.72%
strict 1.69%
specific 1.64%
borrowing 0.64%
borrowing + n. >>共 156
cost 69.33%
rate 8.63%
money 5.27%
authority 1.36%
limit 0.88%
requirement 0.88%
country 0.70%
need 0.66%
program 0.63%
plan 0.52%
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