1.   A fascinating collection of historical toys, books and costumes, appealing to both adults and children.

2.   A great majority of them are looking for the theatre of books, and it is not there.

3.   A mitigating circumstance is the fact that few library users restrict themselves to one source alone for obtaining books.

4.   A range of books has been launched which reflects his design philosophy and style.

5.   A scattered heap of books and manuscripts lay on the floor.

6.   A tax on books would be a body blow for education.

7.   Alex spent most of his allowance on books.

8.   All of this information can be discovered by checking with those who work at the circulation desk and those who shelve books.

9.   All the above yarns will be available from your local Spectrum stockist together with a full range of supporting pattern leaflets and books.

10.   Although some Black male writers had published books, they said little of value to the rulers of empire.

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