1.   The book portrays their father as an ogre who mistreated them.

2.   Although it cries out for illustration, the book masterfully portrays the traditional life of this Puget Sound tribe and its painful transition into mainstream society.

3.   But the book portrays its characters talking the way so-called bindle stiffs of the Depression did.

4.   Her book portrays the family living through the years of Italian Fascism and the Nazi occupation, even though those events are never central to her narrative.

5.   Such fabulous wealth was bound to attract greed, and, as this book portrays them, the Wallaces were all too trusting.

6.   The book also portrays Kennedy as having belittled her in other ways.

7.   The book portrays Walt Disney as a scowling, often morose dictator of a crowd of fawning yes-men.

8.   The book portrays Levine as working to belittle her research and limit her financing, both of which he denied.

9.   The book portrays spirit and bravery.

10.   The book portrays the self-absorbed Mrs. X as a stay-at-home Park Avenue mother, who does not seem to do much of anything except her nails.

n. + portray >>共 328
official 4.89%
prosecutor 4.34%
film 4.02%
medium 3.58%
actor 2.61%
movie 2.50%
report 2.50%
government 2.28%
book 2.06%
lawyer 1.95%
book + v. >>共 862
be 34.47%
have 4.09%
include 2.03%
say 1.65%
come 1.59%
make 1.46%
become 1.44%
contain 1.43%
offer 1.41%
provide 1.23%
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