1.   But what is occurring now is closer to the practice of bonded labor.

2.   Jehangir recounts tales of a compassionate Bhutto who took interest in domestic violence victims, banned whipping of women, and supported the crusade against bonded labor.

3.   Millions of children in South Asia are sold by their parents into bonded labor to work off family debts.

4.   The owners of these brick factories know very well that bonded labor is illegal, said Naseer Ahmed Gondal, who owns this one.

5.   Traditional forms of forced labor, like slavery and bonded labor, also ensnare vast numbers of people.

6.   Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has promised on several occasions to crack down on bonded labor, but the government has done little to enforce the law.

7.   Bonded labor still a problem.

8.   Despite laws forbidding the use of bonded labor, the millions of people forced into virtual slavery have few if any rights.

9.   For centuries, powerful landlords have relied on bonded labor to bring in their crops.

10.   In India, such bonded labor is widespread in the carpet-making, match-making, slate and silk industries, the report said.

a. + labor >>共 1010
organized 10.38%
new 5.81%
forced 5.73%
tight 5.01%
cheap 4.04%
unfair 2.25%
skilled 1.55%
federal 1.42%
higher 1.42%
manual 1.37%
bonded 0.29%
bonded + n. >>共 38
labor 19.35%
laborer 16.13%
child 7.53%
zone 5.38%
labour 5.38%
labourer 3.23%
pad 3.23%
indebtedness 3.23%
carpet 2.15%
debt 2.15%
每页显示:    共 18