1.   Even the strongest airline boosters admit that almost no real progress has been made on bomb detection.

2.   Even with profiling and expensive machines, bomb detection is only as good as the security people hired by the airlines.

3.   Eventually, we will also pay more for more ubiquitous technology as well, be it bomb detection or biometrics.

4.   Nuclear emergency search teams, which are trained in bomb detection and dismantling, should be ready to accompany such military operations.

5.   The Federal Aviation Administration has made bomb detection its top security priority, but the agency has tried to balance security against saving airlines money and travelers time.

6.   Those companies fit under an antiterror umbrella by making high tech equipment that performs tasks ranging from bomb detection to facial recognition.

7.   Ministers will also discuss a proposal for joint training exercises in bomb detection, airport security and intelligence gathering.

8.   That includes anti-terrorism work such as bomb detection, vehicle inspections and surveillance.

9.   The new plan also includes more information sharing and training programs in bomb detection and airport security, the ministers said.

10.   Eckhard said the review would determine additional security investments to be made by the United Nations, which relies on US authorities for bomb detection and technical expertise.

n. + detection >>共 67
radar 13.29%
cancer 10.13%
bomb 6.96%
fraud 4.43%
crime 3.80%
police 3.80%
fire 3.16%
breast 3.16%
disease 3.16%
leak 2.53%
bomb + n. >>共 344
attack 24.41%
threat 12.17%
blast 9.66%
squad 5.68%
expert 5.54%
explosion 4.90%
shelter 4.58%
scare 3.29%
site 2.12%
alert 1.76%
detection 0.17%
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