1.   In that way it resembles a hormone, a body chemical such as estrogen, that produces different effects.

2.   Scientists have found a body chemical that naturally fights the tuberculosis bacterium.

3.   Scientists have harnessed a natural body chemical that allows damaged hearts to sprout their own bypasses, researchers says.

4.   The idea is to block asthma-trig gering leukotrienes, the natural body chemicals implicated in asthmatic wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath.

5.   The patient had a hunch that the drug might be helpful because it suppresses a body chemical that is elevated in ALS patients.

6.   Cancer cells may carry four closely related versions of this signal receiver, and they can be turned on by at least a dozen different body chemicals.

7.   Neufeld knew other scientists had discovered that excessive levels of a body chemical called nitric oxide can be toxic to certain tissues.

n. + chemical >>共 127
specialty 24.57%
brain 18.32%
precursor 5.39%
farm 3.88%
commodity 3.45%
bulk 2.16%
body 1.51%
lawn 1.51%
construction 1.29%
purification 1.29%
body + n. >>共 670
part 22.79%
temperature 4.45%
weight 4.07%
fat 3.70%
armor 2.47%
heat 1.79%
type 1.75%
guard 1.65%
tissue 1.49%
movement 1.47%
chemical 0.16%
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