1.   Her body absorbed the silence that swelled through the darkened room.

2.   Although scientists have identified the genes responsible for almost all cases of hemochromatosis, the exact mechanism by which the body absorbs too much iron from food remains unknown.

3.   As Woodson dressed for practice, his wardrobe served as a reminder of the shocks his body has absorbed.

4.   He said he still had a little water in his lungs, but his doctor in Wichita had assured him that his body would absorb the water.

5.   Hemochromatosis begins when the body absorbs too much iron from the diet, eventually storing the iron in different organs.

6.   His team at Duke University found that L-ascorbic acid is the only form of Vitamin C that our bodies can actually absorb through the skin and use.

7.   Sometimes, it is deposited on grass, where cows take it up during grazing and their bodies absorb it into the fat cells, where it gradually accumulates.

8.   Sounds crazy, but color theorists say your body absorbs the vibration of colors, which, in turn, affects your grain and can actually alter your mood.

9.   The body cannot absorb the polymer.

10.   The body will absorb the light, while certain fluids and fibers will reflect it, Martin said.

n. + absorb >>共 421
market 3.67%
company 3.06%
plant 2.57%
body 2.57%
child 1.71%
tree 1.71%
skin 1.59%
investor 1.47%
economy 1.34%
rice 1.22%
body + v. >>共 960
be 24.45%
lie 4.33%
have 3.60%
remain 1.65%
say 1.44%
produce 1.11%
begin 1.09%
need 0.97%
take 0.91%
turn 0.88%
absorb 0.29%
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