1.   In recognition of the importance of these issues Group board director was given overall responsibility for quality, health, safety and environmental matters.

2.   Board directors will also re-evaluate housing policies at the Presidio, Rosenblatt said.

3.   A man with a cause, he can wear out board directors, committee members, politicians, academics and critics with his enthusiasm.

4.   Bre-X said directors Hugh Lyons and Paul Kavanagh resigned from its board directors and those of related companies.

5.   He demanded agendas for restructuring, which now include cutting one in three board directors on average.

6.   If that fails, Wells Fargo will stage a proxy fight to oust current First Interstate board directors who oppose the deal.

7.   Investors would still receive some information on compensation in the proxy statements which are used by stakeholders to vote for board directors.

8.   It was then that the magnitude of the disaster began to sink in with company officials and board directors.

9.   MasTec also said it named Joel-Tomas Citron a board director.

10.   Now entrepreneurship has become a buzzword among board directors, salarymen, government officials and young students.

n. + director >>共 743
deputy 9.94%
music 4.65%
film 3.80%
communication 2.60%
finance 2.35%
personnel 2.16%
company 2.08%
research 2.05%
museum 1.90%
tournament 1.86%
board 0.48%
board + n. >>共 465
meeting 27.26%
chairman 8.35%
official 6.22%
seat 3.99%
president 3.79%
room 2.57%
approval 1.66%
system 1.39%
director 1.35%
investigator 1.25%
每页显示:    共 40