1.   The board has Decided to relieve you of your duties as head teacher with immediate effect.

2.   The parole board has decided that the prisoner is not yet ready for release.

3.   A national investment board should decide on the overall level of investment to preserve full employment, and deficit spending was advocated if it were necessary to prevent unemployment.

4.   In an attempt to prevent any repetition of the scandal, the board decided that all senior management should be full members of staff.

5.   An independent board would decide which programs are eligible for help from by this fund, and donor countries would decide which program to support.

6.   And Monday, the board decided that at least for now, Phil Condit runs The Boeing Co.

7.   And whatever the board decides will only add fuel to what promises to become a national debate comparable to the earlier struggle over the best way to teach reading.

8.   At a meeting of the Cabrillo Unified School District Thursday, the board decided to keep homework.

9.   Bondi said, however, that the board had decided it could vote in the meeting based on its interpretation of Italian takeover law.

10.   A hearing was held, and the canvassing board decided not to hand count votes because they said there were no significant errors in the machine count.

n. + decide >>共 692
government 7.18%
official 4.56%
company 4.18%
court 3.83%
judge 2.39%
authority 2.24%
prosecutor 1.85%
leader 1.65%
committee 1.55%
jury 1.54%
board 1.53%
board + v. >>共 848
be 7.95%
say 5.81%
have 4.48%
meet 3.67%
approve 3.14%
decide 2.87%
vote 2.57%
make 2.05%
consider 2.03%
recommend 1.44%
每页显示:    共 215