1.   The audit committee should be formally established as a sub-committee accountable to the board, and the board should appoint its members.

2.   The board appointed him chairman and managing director, a fulltime post.

3.   To resolve this conflict of interest, a board appoints an independent adviser, usually a merchant bank.

4.   As for the coming search, Elisha said the board had appointed a committee of himself and four other directors.

5.   After Jewish parents first petitioned seven years ago for a High Holy Days closing, the board appointed a calendar committee to examine the issue.

6.   Earlier, the control board appointed a board of trustees to run the public school system, in place of the elected school board.

7.   In naming a new principal, a white man, the board also appointed a black woman to the new position of assistant principal.

8.   Separately, Reddi Brake Supply said its board yesterday appointed Sandford Waddell, its chief financial officer, to be interim chief executive.

9.   That board would appoint the police leadership and hold the police accountable for their behavior.

n. + appoint >>共 249
government 15.78%
president 11.37%
court 7.66%
company 3.87%
judge 3.63%
board 3.02%
parliament 2.71%
governor 2.55%
mayor 2.32%
committee 1.78%
board + v. >>共 848
be 7.95%
say 5.81%
have 4.48%
meet 3.67%
approve 3.14%
decide 2.87%
vote 2.57%
make 2.05%
consider 2.03%
recommend 1.44%
appoint 0.52%
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