1.   Among the freshly bloodied corpses was his mother, who had been shot twice in the back of the head.

2.   By contrast, there was a double murder in Los Angeles, two bloodied corpses, one of them of a beautiful woman.

3.   His first assignment was documenting gang warfare in Harlem, which brought Life readers face-to-face with warlord Red Jackson, gang fights, bloodied corpses and funerals.

4.   Should a graphic violence rating include newscasts, whose reports from Bosnia and Rwanda include footage of bloodied corpses?

5.   After each battle, he waded through the bloodied corpses of German soldiers to see if his younger brother Paul was among them.

6.   Associated Press Television News footage showed two bloodied corpses in the hospital morgue.

7.   His bloodied corpse hung outside the presidential palace for two days.

8.   One man hid among bloodied corpses.

9.   Witnesses report finding the bloodied corpse of men murdered by retreating Serb troops from the town of Sanski Most, captured last week.

a. + corpse >>共 216
rotting 5.23%
charred 4.58%
decomposing 4.41%
mutilated 3.43%
bloody 3.27%
human 3.27%
decaying 2.61%
the 2.45%
unidentified 2.29%
burned 2.12%
bloodied 1.47%
bloodied + n. >>共 132
body 10.92%
face 9.22%
hand 5.46%
victim 4.10%
corpse 3.07%
child 2.39%
nose 2.39%
floor 1.71%
man 1.71%
shirt 1.71%
每页显示:    共 9