1.   Analysts also say that with the acquisition of Boehringer Mannheim pending and a number of potential blockbuster drugs in the pipeline, the timing of the announcement is crucial.

2.   And the launch of a new blockbuster cancer drug by its U.S.-based pharmaceuticals division was delayed.

3.   As a result, investors worry that Bristol has too few potential blockbuster drugs coming to market in the next year or so.

4.   As with nearly every major drug company, SmithKline relied heavily on blockbuster drugs to strengthen earnings.

5.   At the same time biotech companies were busy in their labs, the major drug companies were even busier working on blockbuster drugs for the future.

6.   Because a blockbuster drug, like a blockbuster movie, does much of its business upfront, the review process itself constrains spending.

7.   A single blockbuster drug, like Prozac or Lipitor, can make or break a company.

8.   But after a New England Journal of Medicine study in May, Genzyme and GelTex saw an opportunity to transform Renagel into a blockbuster drug.

9.   But its future as a pharmaceuticals giant rests on a company cobbled together from three also-rans that desperately need a few blockbuster drugs.

10.   Buying a firm with a potential blockbuster drug close to Food and Drug Administration approval could help make up the difference.

n. + drug >>共 495
prescription 34.13%
cancer 6.85%
fertility 3.73%
chemotherapy 2.65%
diet 2.03%
allergy 1.59%
diabetes 1.50%
blockbuster 1.50%
heart 1.45%
impotence 1.11%
blockbuster + n. >>共 164
drug 10.65%
trade 10.26%
deal 10.06%
movie 9.07%
show 3.55%
film 3.55%
product 2.37%
season 1.58%
merger 1.58%
hit 1.18%
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