1.   The plot centers on the use of anti-personnel lasers to blind pilots and send airliners plummeting from the skies.

2.   The pilot was blinded for several minutes, and the flight captain took control and continued the climb.

3.   The system uses low power levels, so the laser cannot blind other pilots, but a major question is how far ahead the system can see.

4.   Unexpected fogs can blind aircraft pilots, fatally diverting them into peaks.

5.   Thunderstorms trailing in the wake of the storm had blinded pilots Wednesday and prevented French military helicopters from landing.

v. + pilot >>共 395
kill 13.36%
train 4.45%
include 3.33%
rescue 3.18%
identify 2.74%
say 1.86%
injure 1.76%
capture 1.76%
represent 1.71%
arm 1.57%
blind 0.24%
blind + n. >>共 131
people 7.38%
driver 5.33%
light 4.10%
speed 3.28%
eye 2.87%
snow 2.87%
pilot 2.05%
smoke 2.05%
victim 2.05%
weapon 2.05%
每页显示:    共 5