1.   There are provisions, subject to limits, for payments of these outstanding debts.

2.   Alarmed, the federal Securities and Exchange Commission has said the practice is blatant fraud and launched investigations of companies across the country.

3.   In recent years the PRI has refrained from blatant electoral fraud.

4.   It was amazingly blatant fraud.

5.   On the federal level, the IRS tends to step in only where there is blatant fraud or big sums to be recovered from places like hospitals and universities.

6.   A line must be drawn between beingvictims of circumstances and indulging in blatant fraud and mismanagement.

7.   There was little evidence Sunday of the blatant fraud, ballot stuffing and ballot box robbery that has assured some PRI victories in years past.

a. + fraud >>共 329
electoral 9.34%
alleged 9.02%
insurance 7.02%
widespread 5.83%
massive 4.86%
financial 4.70%
possible 3.62%
stock 2.92%
academic 2.70%
federal 2.43%
blatant 0.38%
blatant + n. >>共 239
attempt 8.98%
violation 4.29%
discrimination 3.47%
example 2.86%
disregard 2.45%
racism 2.45%
lie 2.24%
act 1.84%
corruption 1.63%
fraud 1.43%
每页显示:    共 7