1.   As it became clear that blanket approval was unlikely, the government risked separating the various articles of the bill into individual votes.

2.   Expedited permits, in effect, provide blanket approval for qualifying projects and allow developers to avoid prolonged application and review processes.

3.   It is ready to negotiate blanket approval for specific nuclear programs.

4.   It therefore argues that it will still need some sort of system providing blanket approval to small projects.

5.   The report will be used to get blanket approval for selling bonds for three months starting October, some underwriters said.

6.   The U.S. government has granted blanket approval to spread ashes in national forests, Torlakson said, and a similar rule is being developed for state parks.

7.   While some parents endorse self-defense, Carlsson-Paige cautions against blanket approval.

8.   It used to give blanket approval to all regular U.S. military visits in Hong Kong, when Beijing and Washington enjoyed friendlier ties.

9.   Malaysia banned Singaporean military and rescue-search planes from its air space beginning Friday, reversing the previous blanket approval for all such flights.

10.   Previously, there had been a blanket approval on Singapore ships and planes.

n. + approval >>共 254
government 30.72%
shareholder 11.61%
court 8.25%
voter 4.85%
board 2.28%
drug 1.96%
senate 1.54%
committee 1.49%
agency 1.35%
league 1.35%
blanket 0.61%
blanket + n. >>共 185
ban 14.17%
amnesty 8.86%
coverage 6.28%
immunity 3.22%
closure 3.06%
exemption 2.42%
condemnation 2.42%
primary 2.42%
approval 2.09%
prohibition 1.93%
每页显示:    共 13