1.   Black turtles are found along the west coasts of North, South and Central America from California to Peru.

2.   Finding out where the black turtles from this part of the Gulf of California go to breed is crucial for conservation efforts, they said.

3.   Green turtles and black turtles are the only herbivores.

4.   Iranian bureaucrats favor open collars and black turtle necks and the theocrats tend toward the colorless shirts of the clerics.

5.   The scientists plan to put a satellite tag on a mature female black turtle.

6.   The team has also found that individual black turtles stay in the bay for at least several weeks.

7.   This summer, black turtles being netted under a research permit from the Mexican government temporarily share the enclosures with Adelina.

8.   It was perhaps the hottest day that week but I was in a black turtle neck and a pair of baggy jeans.

a. + turtle >>共 138
giant 5.00%
endangered 4.58%
live 4.17%
black 3.33%
marine 3.33%
pet 3.33%
female 2.50%
small 2.50%
freshwater 2.08%
asian 2.08%
black + n. >>共 1162
man 5.48%
woman 2.92%
smoke 2.64%
people 2.22%
community 1.99%
student 1.73%
voter 1.67%
leader 1.60%
leather 1.44%
hair 1.14%
turtle 0.03%
每页显示:    共 8