1.   Always ready to knock on wood, throw salt over my shoulder, bite my tongue, cross my fingers.

2.   Burun clenched his fists and bit his tongue to stop himself from shouting out.

3.   But they want a pink one, so Ralph takes out a pink one, bites his tongue.

4.   He wished with all his soul that he had bitten his tongue instead.

5.   I had to bite my tongue to stop myself telling Neil exactly what I thought of his stupid plan.

6.   I wanted to argue, but I had to bite my tongue.

7.   Polly battled on, practically biting her tongue in half.

8.   She should have bitten her tongue.

9.   Tell them to bite their tongues.

10.   Whatever the reason, Dauntless bit his tongue and resolved to put up with Cleo Sinister.

v. + tongue >>共 161
bite 19.43%
hold 14.07%
stick_out 5.86%
click 3.52%
have 2.85%
swallow 2.35%
cluck 2.18%
pierce 2.01%
find 2.01%
loosen 1.68%
bite + n. >>共 249
lip 19.00%
tongue 12.11%
hand 6.58%
nail 6.05%
ear 2.40%
people 2.40%
head 1.88%
human 1.88%
man 1.88%
fingernail 1.25%
每页显示:    共 115