1.   But as the nation builds its bioterrorism defenses, Amy Smithson, a bioterrorism expert at the Henry L. Stimson Center, predicted the scares would only increase.

2.   But as the nation builds its bioterrorism defenses, Smithson predicted the scares would only increase.

3.   But in bioterrorism defense, the government becomes a partner and customer.

4.   That action gives the CDC program a new lease on life, but also changes its mission, from pure science to bioterrorism defense.

5.   Among contractors being investigated are those that do classified work for the CIA, whose work is aimed at bioterrorism defense.

n. + defense >>共 337
missile 30.65%
air 9.54%
zone 6.80%
title 6.31%
insanity 4.84%
run 3.33%
pass 3.01%
pressure 2.45%
team 2.12%
theater 1.73%
bioterrorism 0.16%
bioterrorism + n. >>共 55
attack 18.71%
expert 12.90%
threat 9.68%
plan 3.87%
scare 3.87%
agent 3.23%
bill 3.23%
weapon 3.23%
defense 3.23%
fear 1.94%
每页显示:    共 5