1.   There is an extensive bibliography and fascinating biographical sketches of the often eccentric scholars who anticipated fractals.

2.   At the heart of the matter was the NFLmedia.com biographical sketch.

3.   According to a biographical sketch made public by the Ethics Committee, Cole is married and has two children.

4.   But what sets this lovely, subtle biographical sketch apart is the appearances by a secretary, a screenwriting colleague, several neighbors and others who knew Fitzgerald.

5.   But with features like biographical sketches of the blues musicians who influenced the group, the CD-ROM ends up emphasizing the arcane.

6.   Can you provide a biographical sketch on him?

7.   Details of her life came to light in research for a biographical sketch.

8.   Each is presented with a brief historical introduction, a biographical sketch of the lawyer who delivered the argument, and an analysis of the argument.

9.   Expensively bound in gold-stamped leather, the book comprised glowing biographical sketches of scores of prominent people, including President Theodore Roosevelt.

10.   For instance, while prominent deceased Texans would receive biographical sketches, living leaders would be mentioned only in articles and essays on projects in which they participated.

a. + sketch >>共 176
composite 18.03%
thumbnail 7.55%
rough 5.24%
biographical 4.61%
brief 3.14%
quick 2.94%
new 2.52%
preliminary 1.89%
little 1.47%
detailed 1.47%
biographical + n. >>共 98
information 20.85%
sketch 7.77%
detail 7.42%
datum 5.65%
material 3.89%
fact 3.18%
film 3.18%
subject 3.18%
ad 2.12%
video 1.77%
每页显示:    共 22