1.   And male binge eaters tend to have much wider weight fluctuations than women.

2.   Binge eaters occasionally purge, but this behavior is not intrinsic to the disorder.

3.   Binge eaters often feel unable to control how much and what type of food they eat, and frequently do not remember gorging themselves.

4.   According to Alger, many binge eaters are depressed and anxious, and have low self-esteem.

5.   I am something of a binge eater.

6.   Interestingly, treating binge eaters rarely involves restricting meals, since dieting perpetuates the obsession with food and can trigger cravings and binges.

7.   It has been an open secret in Hollywood that Simpson had a recurring drug problem and was a binge eater whose weight fluctated wildly.

8.   Prozac, the primary antidepressant drug for treating binge eaters, increases feelings of satiety in some people and often provides a sense of control.

9.   Rick says that binge eaters use food for comfort and for managing unpleasant emotions, almost as a drug.

10.   Sarah is a typical binge eater.

n. + eater >>共 66
meat 19.86%
binge 10.27%
fish 4.11%
fire 4.11%
beef 4.11%
plant 4.11%
cereal 3.42%
fruit 2.74%
steak 2.74%
cookie 2.05%
binge + n. >>共 16
drinker 45.45%
eater 27.27%
diagnosis 3.64%
alcohol 1.82%
artist 1.82%
basis 1.82%
behavior 1.82%
borrowing 1.82%
dieter 1.82%
drink 1.82%
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