1.   Procoagulant factors include lipoprotein that contains plasminogen-like domains that allow it to compete with plasminogen for binding sites on endothelial cells, thus impairing fibrinolysis.

2.   Jun DNA binding sites enhance DNA-PK activity but phosphorylation does not affect c-Jun DNA binding.

3.   A. The presence of c-Jun DNA binding sites stimulates DNA-PK activity.

4.   The rates at which the footprints disappeared varied between the different binding sites.

5.   In contrast the complexity of the dissociation reaction originates from parallel dissociation of the drug from different binding sites on the heterogeneous DNA lattice.

6.   This footprint contains three potential overlapping actinomycin binding sites which must therefore be characterised by different dissociation parameters.

7.   Secondly when potential actinomycin binding sites are in close proximity only one of the potential sites can be occupied at a time.

8.   For these reasons we intend to perform future studies on DNA fragments containing isolated actinomycin binding sites.

9.   It is known that all the GTP binding proteins contain three consensus sequences at the guanine nucleotide binding site which are GXXXXGK, DXXG and NKXD.

10.   It therefore appears that the poorer cleavage site represents a much better binding site than ApT.

a. + site >>共 938
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