1.   Otis was wandering around the house with a miniature billiard ball in his mouth.

2.   Bits of information bounce around like billiard balls, carrying out calculations far more efficiently than in an ordinary computer.

3.   All of a sudden, I am bouncing against skyscrapers like a billiard ball.

4.   Contradictory court decisions on discrimination remedies bang around the country like billiard balls.

5.   In the background, I could hear the sound of clicking billiard balls, popping corks -- great party!

6.   In the lobby, the click of billiard balls on a pool table drifts down from an upstairs employee lounge.

7.   One possible solution is to assume that the dark matter particles are self-interacting, bouncing off each other occasionally like billiard balls through some other force.

8.   People are not billiard balls whose reaction to force can be confidently predicted.

9.   Scientists who study time reversal often use the example of two billiard balls on a table to explain their theories.

10.   The student-designed maze uses a screw lift to bring a billiard ball to an elevated starting point.

n. + ball >>共 465
golf 19.65%
soccer 9.15%
tennis 7.16%
winter 4.89%
college 2.84%
rubber 2.62%
time 2.34%
double-play 1.88%
cotton 1.52%
root 1.52%
billiard 0.74%
billiard + n. >>共 14
ball 26.25%
table 23.75%
room 16.25%
hall 12.50%
parlor 6.25%
center 2.50%
club 2.50%
cue 2.50%
bomb 1.25%
computer 1.25%
每页显示:    共 21