1.   Other commodities for which memes compete are radio and television time, billboard space, newspaper column-inches, and library shelf-space.

2.   Anheuser-Busch and Penn Advertising of Baltimore Inc., a company that rents billboard space, sued to block the rules.

3.   Buses and subways have long sold billboard space, sometimes with gaudy, obtrusive messages.

4.   Coke will also help write ads for prevention campaigns and donate billboard space.

5.   Companies that control billboard space have denied involvement in the cutting.

6.   Delgadillo became the subject of some controversy during his election campaign this year because of the amount of billboard space donated to him by Viacom rivals.

7.   He has purchased billboard space in Iowa towns that are losing factories to sympathize with workers thrown out of jobs by plant relocations.

8.   He has also said the school system will sell billboard space on top of some school buildings to advertisers, as a way of raising more money.

9.   In fact, billboard space in Beijing is sold out for the next three years, mostly to high-tech companies.

10.   It has booked billboard space for the next year-and-a-half.

n. + space >>共 554
office 18.36%
storage 7.96%
shelf 4.45%
floor 3.62%
retail 3.22%
cargo 2.76%
exhibition 2.68%
work 2.44%
wall 1.58%
gallery 1.45%
billboard 0.51%
billboard + n. >>共 78
company 14.81%
advertising 9.88%
ad 9.47%
space 7.82%
campaign 6.17%
industry 6.17%
advertisement 4.12%
business 2.47%
message 1.65%
poster 1.65%
每页显示:    共 19