1.   Her bill would forbid colleges and universities to raise tuition or fees to pay for the new charge.

2.   The bill would forbid all economic and financial transactions, banning American companies from buying Iranian oil.

3.   The bill would forbid New York companies from selling pollution credits they earned by cleaning up their own smokestacks to polluters in other states.

4.   The bill would forbid the city to set up separate transit and housing units of the Police Department.

5.   The bill would forbid the Federal Communications Commission from trying to regulate the content of public radio and TV stations.

6.   The bill also forbids lawyers from excusing potential jurors over a belief their sexual orientation makes them biased.

7.   The budget bill forbids the city to carry out either act.

8.   The GOP bill would forbid such research permanently but would set up a commission to review the ban each year.

9.   One bill forbids banned newspapers from publishing under a different name, a practice pro-reform papers resorted to in the past after being shut down by the hard-line judiciary.

10.   The bill forbids foreign broadcasters from operating in Indonesia, but foreigners are permitted to buy shares in private broadcasters that are listed on the stock exchange.

n. + forbid >>共 187
law 33.74%
rule 6.82%
government 3.51%
constitution 3.41%
regulation 3.13%
policy 2.94%
heaven 1.80%
agreement 1.61%
religion 1.33%
court 1.23%
bill 0.95%
bill + v. >>共 493
be 13.78%
pass 4.56%
go 3.95%
have 3.84%
allow 3.37%
require 3.27%
include 2.46%
make 2.41%
give 2.17%
become 2.15%
forbid 0.08%
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