1.   Airlines currently foot the bill for the security systems.

2.   Billing agencies harass poor people for the payment of the bills for purchases that might have taken place six months before.

3.   But the prospect of having to foot another bill for Aryanised assets has sparked some ugly reactions.

4.   But the Republican governors recoiled from the prospect of reopening the welfare bill for anything.

5.   Can the country afford such a stiff bill for democracy?

6.   Customers still get landed with unexpected bills for bank charges, despite the arrival of the age of free banking.

7.   Did the Handsome Prince send Rapunzel a bill for a cut and blow dry?

8.   East Berliners feel they are patronized and their western cousins complain they are stuck with the bills for reunification.

9.   I got the gas bill and the bill for electricity.

10.   I welcome the change to a single bill for each household.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
support 1.76%
time 1.36%
plan 1.28%
money 0.91%
call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
bill 0.13%
bill + p. >>共 83
in 17.40%
for 15.88%
to 10.29%
on 8.27%
with 5.61%
by 5.40%
as 5.09%
before 3.70%
from 3.67%
of 3.67%
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